Friday, June 20

Unlimited time tunnel

Are you interested in automotive especially in cars rand racing? Here is interesting news for you. had launch the making of the new uber-slick Honda TV commercial, with the title of Difficult is worth doing. You can see this video unlimited time tunnel below:

It is all about the integrity and quality of the Honda Accord. As you know, manufactured by Honda since 1976, Honda Accord is still best car on their class right now with new models coming out. What is the new in the 2008 new model? However, it is still rated as a compact car while the size was increased significantly.
Do you know why it is called Accord? Because of Honda’s desire for “accord” and the harmony of society, people and automobile. The speacialty of Accord is fast, fuel efficient and low emission levels. It uses a traverse engine layout and a front-wheel drive. In the US, it’s one of the first Japanese cars produced. With one of the most inspiring histories, Honda is one of the best car manufacturers. Went through many hardships of the founder, SOICHIRO HONDA, yet is perseverance and ingenuity has made his company reach an international level as a world-class company.
So, while you planning to buy a car, this is something you should consider before you decide your choice.
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