Credit cards can help you out or put you in a position where you're up to your neck in debt. I really believe that these cards are there to help us out but we also should know how to carefully manage the use of our credit cards to avoid its pitfalls.
Having a credit card is a big responsibility. I'm not saying it should just be used for emergencies but rather we can use it regularly and using it and timely paying it would indicate the you are a responsible credit holder. One big help in managing your credit cards is knowing what are the features and charges and compare it with other cards at the time you apply for one.
I came across one site offering credit card information as well as online application. The site is very easy to navigate and contains loads of information on most type and brands of credit cards. For readers convenience they even categorized credit cards depending on the issuer, the features like low interest, instant approval, bad credit, rewards, cash back, student, business, balance transfer, hotel/airline and prepaid type credit cards. The site has a blog featuring credit cards and their reviews plus other information.
Wednesday, April 2
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